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4 Traits of a Successful Recruiter - HireInventiv Blog

4 Traits of a Successful Recruiter
December 5, 2019

“Good employees make good organizations”. Each and every word in this phrase is as true as it has to be. But, when it comes to boasting about the company, the owners put their best talent forward and not the people who put all their heart and soul to bring such a pool of talent on board – recruiter

Have you ever wonder how some of the candidates are rejected by one of the companies, but they become a gem for other organizations? It is because some recruiters are blessed with an eye for talent that others don’t have. Becoming a successful recruiter is not a process that happens overnight. In fact, it takes great skills, traits, experience, and above all the intent to become successful. 

So, here is a list of 5 traits of successful recruiters from HireInventiv that HR professionals should inculcate to excel in their careers. Take a look.

Prepare – It will help in finding the right talent

You being a recruiter, how do you feel when a candidate comes without any preparation for the job interview? Don’t you find it unprofessional? The same is the case when the HR calls or takes the initial round of interviews unprepared, especially when you are hiring for technical profiles. Obviously, you cannot learn everything mentioned in the job profile neither this is your job. But, at least do some basic research about the profile. You will not just save yourself looking dumb in front of the candidate but will also help in making the right choice.

Treat Well – It will affect company’s image

It is a common practice that we treat our clients like god but candidates for granted. The way you are behaving with the applicants, be it good or bad, reflects the image of the company. Yes, that job seeker could be in a dire need of a job due to many reasons but this doesn’t give you a chance to treat them disreputably. In places, where the organization feels that he or she is not fit for the role, convey this in a polite tone and in a way that the candidate feels not discouraged but motivated. If possible, try to inform them about the areas where they lag, so that they can work on them and go for the interview with all preparation in some other organization.

Communicate – It will sail your boat

Communicating well with the candidates is one of the biggest traits of successful recruiters. Every prospective job seeker converting to successful hiring is a result of your effective communication skills. All candidates look for transparent and timely feedback. It is the job of HR to inform the applicant where they are in the pipeline or they have been rejected in the process. 

Smile – It comes free of cost

In this fast-paced corporate culture, it is easy to get overburdened with hiring pressure coming from different departments. But, don’t let candidates feel the heat of your stress and frustration. A successful recruiter always dons a beautiful smile on the face. They learn to calm their nerves and work efficiently even when they are under tremendous pressure. 

HireInventive is one such company based out of Noida, India that can help you in hiring a perfect pool of candidates. Thanks to the unique filter which we use to go through hundreds and thousands of profiles, and provide you with just 20-30 technically-sound candidates for final interview.