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How Pre-Screening Expedite the Hiring Process?

How Pre-Screening Expedite the Hiring Process?
December 18, 2019

Someone has said this right, “hiring is a more difficult task than building an organization.” You go and ask an HR, one thing that they all have to say is filtering a prospective candidate from a pile of profiles and resumes take their sleep of day and night away. Well, not literally but it’s the pain that they all have to go through every time they are asked to fill a vacant position.

It is because of this gruelling fact that most recruiters rely more on the pre-screening process than putting the same effort again. Pre-screening candidates did not just weed out such applications who have exaggerated their profiles but also helps in finding the skillsets he or she has and the attitude they carry for the job.  

So, in this blog post from HireInventiv, we are going to tell you how pre-screening expedite the hiring process. Take a look.

Also Read: 4 Traits Of A Successful Recruiter

Reduce Time to Hire

When an HR Department pre-screen a pool of candidates, it shortens the time to take hire a great resource for the organization. From arranging interviews and making a list of questions to blocking a time slot to meet the candidates face to face, the process can lessen a hell lot of time. 

It is where a recruitment firm like HireInventiv plays its role. We have developed a robust and proven filtering and screening process that can take all your hiring pains away. With the help of our unique filtration engine, we provide the organizations with the candidates that are the best fit for the

profile. So, instead of interviewing 100 profiles, we give you 20-30 pre-vetted candidates that have already gone through a technical round from our panel of members and are ready to work from day one. Hence, expedite the hiring process.

Cut Chances of Wrong Hiring

No HR professional in their career has ever recruited a candidate only to regret later that they make a wrong pick for the profile. Though such mistakes are unavoidable but at the same time, it definitely takes a toll on the company in terms of time, money and productivity. The pre-screening process helps a lot to minimize hiring errors that are difficult to undo once a wrong candidate joins the organization.

Also Read: Current Hiring Challenges Faced by Startups in India

Save from Bogus Profiles

One of the best things about the pre-screening of candidates is it can maximize the chances of hiring right and skillful candidates for the company. At the beginning of the process, simply tell the job seekers that you will do background checks with all their past employers before coming on board. You will automatically see a huge dip in the number of non-fit profiles. By doing this, you can now focus more on the recruitment quality than finding inaccuracies in their resumes.

Bring Only Skillful Candidates

There is no point in running a recruitment process if you are not getting a single candidate fit for the job even after devoting all the time and effort. By including a pre-screening process, you can stay assured of getting profiles that are not just technically strong but also don a positive attitude toward work and office. So, in a scenario where you have to spend a week or 2 for closing 5 profiles, you can now do the same in just 4-5 days.