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Social Media Background Checks for Screening: Is it a Good Idea?

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Social Media Background Checks for Screening
January 22, 2020

Do you remember the time when we all used to send telegram posts and letter to our loved ones? With the advent of the internet, they got replaced by email and now social media. When it comes to professional front, the screening process of a candidate has change manifolds in the recent times. HRs are now not letting even a single stone unturned in their recruitment process to hire the best out of best. There are hundreds and thousands of companies that hire third-party organisations just for background checks before taking a candidate onboard. Amidst all methods, the latest in this modern recruitment process is social media background checks for screening. 

But, is it a good idea to do social media background checks for screening a candidate? Read this post from HireInventive till the end to know why social media background checks for screening is a dumb idea. 

Can’t Assure On-job-performance

There is no such conclusive research or report available that assures that social media background checks for screening a candidate assures on-job-performance of the same. Most of these checks are made and designed by some individual hiring managers, who think it can be a tool to hire. But the fact is, as of now, social media background checks for screening is not even accepted as a standardised process for recruitment. Above all this, what type of data anyone can collect from photos, language, post, political inclination from a candidate’s social media account?

Also Read: How To Foster A Culture Of Intrapreneurship This 2020? 

Social Media Background Checkers are Untrained

Has anyone heard of courses providing training on how to do social media background checks for screening a candidate? We hope none of us has the slightest idea of any such course and how we will when there is no course available. It is because of this fact that all social media background checkers are untrained. As there is no well-defined procedure is available, social media background checks for screening is basically a decision that is taken by the hiring managers basis of what their inner instinct says. 

Great Chances of Discrimination

Social media background checks for screening a candidate often led to discrimination in many ways. As we call these websites “social” recruiters can only access the social information that is practically of no use when it comes hiring. All that one can find from a social media account is, whether the candidate smoke or drink; if he/she is loves outing or introvert in nature or what are political views of the candidate. If by any chance, the hiring manager doesn’t agree with any of their views or behaviour, then chances are they will screen out the candidate while doing social media background checks for screening. 

Hard to Predict the Result

Anyone who thinks that social media background checks for screening is a good idea has ever thought of what parameter they will judge a profile if the candidate is not much active on different social media platforms. There are myriad of candidates who are don’t to make their personal life public on such websites. Social media background checks for screening becomes difficult when someone is hiring for a senior managerial position as candidates who are not part of this generation refrain spending their time at such places. Social media background checks for screening can be used to hire a profile that requires lesser experience but it can never be used for higher managerial positions.

Also Read: How Pre-Screening Expedite The Hiring Process?

Social Media Background Checks are Time Consuming

Social media background checks for screening is a time-consuming process where recruiters have to do in-depth research and check a candidate’s background. In a time when they are running out of time, the chances are they can either reject or accept a job seeker which could be a wrong hire. If hiring managers reject someone who could be a great asset for the company or accept someone who is not fit for the job, social media background checks for screening fail that time.