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3 Ways to Boost Your Hiring Process - HireInventiv

3 Ways to Boost Your Hiring Process
April 8, 2020

What makes great companies? Is it its office location? Or Is it its infrastructure? No. Great companies become great because of the workforce they hire. Hiring is one of the most crucial parts of any company. You may think what’s the big deal in reviewing resumes and calling candidates for the interview. But, go and ask an HR, how much it takes to fill a profile. They know the amount of hard work they put in to get the right candidate. Things become more difficult when HRs have to do multiple hirings. So, in this post, we will share some of the best ways to boost your hiring process.

Also Read: Top Hiring Challenges Faced By HR

Work on Writing Job Descriptions

Being recruiter, you filter candidates by looking at their resumes, the technology they have worked previously and the experience they hold. But how did candidates make a choice if they are interested in this job role or not? They do it by reading the job description. Working on writing better job descriptions is one of the best ways to boost hiring process. If the candidate has the relevant experience and has worked in the field you are looking for, it will obviously make him the right fit for the profile. Rather than focusing more on explaining the job responsibilities, put equal focus on things which company will provide to the candidate. You can use these ways to boost your hiring process.

Work on Building Employer Brand

There are many different ways to boost your hiring process and one of them is working on employer branding. The candidates in 2020 are smart. The fact is, even you are least interested in hiring someone who is not smart enough for the job. So, they do all the research before coming for the interview. Be it reading company reviews on Glassdoor or looking at the profile on LinkedIn, they do all the homework. So, in a time when things have changed, companies should put emphasis on sharing the work culture and the working environment they will get. Organisations with strong social media followings and brand image are more likely to get the perfect pool of candidates. 

Also Read: Best Practices While Doing Work From Home

Expedite the Hiring Cycle

In many cases, even after putting the best step forward, HRs struggle to take candidates on board. It could be due to the fact that your company’s hiring process is slow and less efficient when it comes to hiring a candidate. So, expediting the cycle is one of the ways to boost your hiring process. As per reports, you are not finalising the candidate in less than 10 days, the chances are he or she may get other or better opportunity. If the concerned department is yet to make the final decision, it is the responsibility of the HR department to stay in touch with the candidate and brief them about the current situation. By doing this you will keep the candidate under your radar. 

So, uses these ways to boost your hiring process and you will see the significant growth in your recruitment cycle.

Is your organisation is struggling to hire the right candidate? Well, we can help you in the process. We are specialised in both recruitments as well as team augmentation. So, reach us today at hr@hireinventiv.com for a quick discussion.