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Best Ways to Recruit Great Talent for Your Startup - Breezing Minds

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Best Ways to Recruit Great Talent for Your
April 29, 2020

Thanks to the push provided the government in recent times that India has become a melting pot for a number of startups. It all began from an idea. But having an idea and turning it into a successful business are two different things. And the biggest of them all is hiring. Hiring was always a difficult job to do. The situation becomes more problematic when you have to hire for a startup where there is no proper infrastructure, long working hours and last but not least, lack of job security. So, would you stop knocking the door until it gets open or you will feel pity about your situation? If you are the former, here are the best ways to recruit great talent for your startup.

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Pick Talent Over Experience

In a normal scenario, you usually find hundreds of profile, filter a few of them and then choose the best with the maximum years of experience. However, it is not a case when you hire for a startup. One of the best ways to recruit great talent for your startup is to pick talent over experience.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover”

This is a very common proverb which perfectly fits while finding the candidates for a startup. There are many job seekers out there who don’t require experience to showcase their skill. All that they require is an opportunity. It is the kind of people you need for the company. Picking talent is the best ways to recruit great talent for your startup. Go for people who are talented, multitaskers and filled with the spirit to create benchmarks. 

Hire Those With Prior Startup Experience

Startups are way more different than most of the corporate companies, about whom most of us have only heard of. It is a completely different pitch to bat. And hence, is the best ways to recruit great talent for your startup. The environment is fast-paced and company size is small. Hence, every member should be capable of doing their job with little or no supervision. Other than that, candidates should be a quick learner, not just on the resume but in real. He should be adaptive not just with the changing priorities but with the technologies as well. So, someone with prior experience of working in a startup makes for a perfect choice which makes it one of the best ways to recruit great talent for your startup.

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Use Employee Referral Program

Using referrals from employees is one of the best ways to recruit great talent for your startup. When nothing works, this always does –  employee referral programs. One can always rely on the traditional hiring methodologies, but no one should be dependent on them alone. In a time when you are required to do quick hiring, you can go for employee referral programs. Usually, most referrals are friends from colleges and colleagues from past companies. So, one can be assured that they will be qualified and comes with greater chances of clearing the job interview. It is one of the many best ways to recruit great talent for your startup. As per the studies, those hire from the referral programs are better job performers, come cheap and stay in the company for longer durations than their counterparts.