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Why Coronavirus Pandemic is the Best Time For College Students?

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Coronavirus Pandemic is the Best Time For College Students
June 10, 2020

Who thought that a pandemic can entirely change the way we see the world? Coronavirus has brought the world on a standstill with lockdown forced upon all of us. But, like every coin has two sides, it has also opened new avenues for the students to polish their skills. In a time when there is a cut-throat competition out there, you will have to understand to build an identity that sets you apart from others. No matter if you have recently enrolled yourself in the college or in the final years, skills are what you need to have a successful career. So, in this post from BreezingMinds, we will discuss why coronavirus pandemic is the best time for college students.

Also Read: Bridge The Skill Gap With Early Stage Nurturing

Try Online Courses

Doing a professional course in some institutes has now become a thing of the past. Now everything is just a few clicks away to you. There are various courses available at multiple online platforms, such as HubSpot Academy and Udemy offer certification on a number of courses from professionals. These websites allow you to take practical courses where you can learn everything you will require as the most sought-after professional skills. Most of these courses range from 2 hours to 6 hours and can be completed in a time duration of 2-3 days. So, don’t you think coronavirus pandemic is the best time for college students like you?

Polish Your Skills

The market is demanding these days and you have to prepare for it in advance. During this lockdown state, here is your chance when you can work to polish your skills with no excuse at all. Read books that will help you in the interview process. Solve questions related to quantitative aptitude and reasoning every day without fail as they are always asked in the first round of the screening process. Coronavirus pandemic is the best time for college students to improve their coding skills and algorithms so you can stay confident during the interview process. 

Also Read: Significance Of Training And Development In The Workplace

Build Online Presence

Coronavirus pandemic is the best time for college students to build an online presence. In the 21st century, online presence plays an important role in getting a job. So, when you are in your college you can bring out some time from being online on the social media platforms to build a profile on LinkedIn. Many recruiters look at your LinkedIn profile these days and scrutinise your activities. It is always advisable to share your views on the relevant topics and update others with the latest technological developments in the industry. This way the HRs would get to know that you are not just serious in your academics but is also updated about the trends around the world. This way coronavirus pandemic is the best time for college students to utilise.