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3 Simple Ways to Leverage the Power of Gratitude in Workplace

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Simple Ways to Leverage the Power of Gratitude in Workplace
March 18, 2020

Does it ever happen with you that one of your friends gave a special yet selfless favour to you during your hard times? Or maybe, while walking on the road someday, you saw a stranger doing an act of kindness which captivates your attention and brightens your entire day? Or a colleague of yours stayed back with you till late night only to make sure that you can don’t miss the next day’s deadline. Well, these gestures may look ordinary but the people behind them are not ordinary at all. Gratitude is a personality attribute of the people with the big heart. So, in this post from HireInventiv, we are sharing some simple ways to leverage the power of gratitude in workplace.

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” – Cicero

Let it Fall from the Top

Who doesn’t like to get appreciation? After all, we are all humans and love getting admired for the work we do. Appreciation is one of the simple ways to leverage the power of gratitude in workplace. So, when we do a job in an office, we always look at our superiors for gratitude. The feeling of being acknowledged from those above us in hierarchy fosters a culture of gratitude at all levels. The biggest problem if your organisation lacks gratitude is, it will definitely show up everywhere in the office. Be it gratitude towards coworkers or their morale, it will leave its impact at all the places.

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Make it Specific and Authentic

Just think of those experiences at your office when you were a part of the team who successfully completed a project exceeding everyone’s expectation. And your boss comes to compliment the entire team. How did you feel at that moment? Did you feel motivated personally? Yes, you were both happy and motivated due to the praise given to your team but not personally because you felt lost somewhere in the crowd.

The same is followed by team leads and managers when their seniors ask them to appreciate their juniors for the great job. They actually didn’t mean it but they do it because for them offering gratitude becomes a task, a chore which they have to do. And the harsh truth is, their staff can judge this feeling. In just a fraction of second, their praise turns into loss of respect towards the manager. So, a specific and authentic is one of the simple ways to leverage the power of gratitude in workplace.

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Be Humble

Staying humble is another simple ways to leverage the power of gratitude in workplace. Showing the feeling of gratitude in the workplace is not just limited to the individual levels. The great leaders have well understood the fact that both learning and teaching go hand-in-hand. They know that when it comes to growth, there is always a room. When you are being provided with an opportunity to exhibit gratitude towards the team, always express how the members in your team have helped you in nurturing you as a leader. This will not only make you a proficient leader but will also help your team to stand with you at all situations.