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Best Practices While Doing Work From Home - Breezing Minds

Best Practices While Doing Work From Home
March 25, 2020

Isn’t it great to do work from home? In a time when you have to take a full day off, your office leverages to give you work from home. You come late at night from a party or family,  simply send an email to your lead and it’s done. Well, it is one such luxury that our organisations afford to give us whenever needed. But, are you really doing work that you could actually do at your office? Or you are simply sitting in front of your laptop so that you can show online to your team members? Well, taking work from home is easy but adhering to work is difficult. It is why we have come with a post to tell you all about the best practices while doing work from home. Take a look.

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Communication is the Key

Do you know what is the biggest problem with communication? Thinking that it is done. We pass information from our end is not a problem, but the problem is, thinking that it has been received at the other end. Taking good care of the communication between your team members in one of the best practices while doing work from home. When someone tags you personally in a mail or conversation or has assigned you a task, it becomes your responsibility to revert back the person on the same that you are done with the task. By doing this, others will get to know that you have completed the task and it is their turn now to take the process further. This makes communication the best practices while doing work from home. 

Avoid Distractions

We are all human beings and getting distracted from the things we love is pretty common and understandable. Avoiding distractions is one of the best practices while doing work from home. When you are doing work from home, you are using those productive hours as your leisure time. Be it reading Quora, online news or scrolling your social media accounts for a few minutes, we get so indulged into them that we often fail to realise how much time we have wasted. Stay focused on what you are doing. Think that you are being paid for the work assigned to you and not for distractions. If it is hard for you to focus, set reminders on your laptop if necessary. 

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Dress to Impress

It is another best practices while doing work from home. No, we are not asking you to dress in formal attire even when you are working from home. Staying in those pajamas all day may let you feel comfortable but it is not at all a good habit. Our psychologically get affected a lot by the way we dress. It is best to wake up on time, brush the teeth, have a hearty breakfast, take a shower in the morning and put yourself into something which is comfortable yet not so sloppy. This will not only kickstart your day but will also keep you ready for the videoconferencing later in the day. This makes it one of the best practices while doing work from home.