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How Online Assessment Can Help in Hiring During Coronavirus Pandemic?
August 26, 2020

How Online Assessment Can Help in Hiring During Coronavirus Pandemic?

These Covid-19 times has made it a lot more difficult for companies to hire eligible candidates. With most interview conducting online, many of them are struggling to come up with a hiring process that can fill the void created due to the pandemic. Well, the situation is prevalent in almost every industry, but things are

Tips for Effective Communication in the Workplace
August 19, 2020

3 Tips for Effective Communication in the Workplace

Clear communication is the key to success in the workplace. In a place where many people work in different offices, different levels and even in different countries, it becomes quite tough to manage a project efficiently due to communication barriers. If anything like this happens, it leads to delayed project deliveries and unsatisfied customers, which

Importance of Developing Leadership Skills in an Organisation
July 21, 2020

What is the Importance of Developing Leadership Skills in an Organisation?

The necessity for the development of the leadership skills was never been this urgent as it is required these days. Most companies have now realised that the market is now more volatile, complex and is filled with uncertainties. If they want to stand firmly in the market, they have to bring changes, not in just

June 24, 2020

How Learning and Development Can Help College Students Get A Job?

College is one of the most important places in student life. They enter there right after completing their school and step into a whole new world. But, life is way more different than we actually think of. There is a famous dialogue in the movie Rang De Basanti,  “We make the life dance on this

Coronavirus Pandemic is the Best Time For College Students
June 10, 2020

Why Coronavirus Pandemic is the Best Time For College Students?

Who thought that a pandemic can entirely change the way we see the world? Coronavirus has brought the world on a standstill with lockdown forced upon all of us. But, like every coin has two sides, it has also opened new avenues for the students to polish their skills. In a time when there is

Best Ways to Recruit Great Talent for Your
April 29, 2020

Best Ways to Recruit Great Talent for Your Startup

Thanks to the push provided the government in recent times that India has become a melting pot for a number of startups. It all began from an idea. But having an idea and turning it into a successful business are two different things. And the biggest of them all is hiring. Hiring was always a

Awesome Job Benefits to Pick the Best Talent
April 22, 2020

Awesome Job Benefits to Pick the Best Talent

Hiring the best talent in a competitive market is a tough job for HR. And why not, after all, it is the employees that are the growth and success accelerators for the companies. So, in a place where you want to pick the best talent, job seekers are also looking to pick the best organisations.

3 Ways to Enhance Employee Development At Workplace
April 15, 2020

3 Ways to Enhance Employee Development At Workplace

Every organisation has its own strategy and priorities to take their company to the new pinnacles of success. For some, this strategy could be providing the supreme customer support while for some it could be giving extra emphasis on the products they have. However, there is one thing for sure. Your company could offer the

3 Ways to Boost Your Hiring Process
April 8, 2020

3 Ways to Boost Your Hiring Process

What makes great companies? Is it its office location? Or Is it its infrastructure? No. Great companies become great because of the workforce they hire. Hiring is one of the most crucial parts of any company. You may think what’s the big deal in reviewing resumes and calling candidates for the interview. But, go and

Advantages of Taking Video Interviews
April 1, 2020

4 Advantages of Taking Video Interviews

Someone has said this right, “Necessity is the mother of all inventions.” The advent of technology has impacted our lives in many different ways. Be it automation of the industrial process or connecting it with our near ones over a phone call, it has completely revolutionised we see things. So, in a time when no