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How Technology is Reshaping the Recruitment Sector?
January 15, 2020

How Technology is Reshaping the Recruitment Sector?

Someone has said it right, necessity is the mother of inventions. Since inception, technology has immensely helped humankind in some way or the other. The same is the case in the recruitment sector. Be it professional networking, job portals or online application systems, the advancement in technology has completely revolutionised the recruitment process. With the

How to Foster a Culture of Intrapreneurship this 2020?
January 10, 2020

How to Foster a Culture of Intrapreneurship this 2020?

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” – Ronald Reagan Before we begin with anything, we just want to ask what exactly entrepreneurship is? Is it punching in and out at the designated time or devoting

How Pre-Screening Expedite the Hiring Process?
December 18, 2019

How Pre-Screening Expedite the Hiring Process?

Someone has said this right, “hiring is a more difficult task than building an organization.” You go and ask an HR, one thing that they all have to say is filtering a prospective candidate from a pile of profiles and resumes take their sleep of day and night away. Well, not literally but it’s the

4 Advice for Recruiting Best Talent in a Competitive Market
December 11, 2019

4 Advice for Recruiting Best Talent in a Competitive Market

You have worked hard brick by brick to lay a strong foundation for your organization. But, even after putting the best efforts, your Human Resource (HR) team is still struggling for recruiting best talent in a competitive market.  There are a few questions that must be popping in your mind by now: Why is this

4 Traits of a Successful Recruiter
December 5, 2019

4 Traits of a Successful Recruiter

“Good employees make good organizations”. Each and every word in this phrase is as true as it has to be. But, when it comes to boasting about the company, the owners put their best talent forward and not the people who put all their heart and soul to bring such a pool of talent on

Bridge the skill gap: Early stage nurturing.
November 18, 2019

Bridge the Skill Gap with Early Stage Nurturing

Bridge the Skill Gap with Early Stage Nurturing People who say that life was easy and worry-free earlier are absolutely right, and why not, after all, the population was not much of a problem in that era. Fast forward things to 2019, India stands at second position with 1.36 billion population after China, of which,

Current hiring challenges faced by Startups in India
November 18, 2019

Current Hiring Challenges Faced by Startups in India

The concept of startups is not new in India. With a recent hike in the number of investments made by global corporate giants in the Indian startups, things are expected to reach a new pinnacle in the coming years. In spite of great outputs, the startup ecosystem has its own set of challenges, and the

Challenges in recruitment, and how HireInventiv saves you?
November 18, 2019

Challenges in Recruitment and How HireInventiv Saves You?

What are the biggest set of challenges that you being an HR professional face while hiring a candidate? Well, making hundreds of calls a day, reviewing resumes for hours and lining up interviews are to name a few pains that only a recruiter can best understand. And even after doing everything, some of the candidates